Monday, October 16, 2006


Today I thought I'd plug some random stuff that I think will rock your ass.

The movie you should see in theaters:
-The Departed:Martin Scorcese shows the world that he's still the best American, or otherwise, director around today.
The movie you should see on DVD:
-The Shawshank Redemption:Still, possibly my favorite movie of all time. I have yet to find a single thing about that film I don't like. Nearly flawless.
The CD you should buy:
-Anything by Lewis Black:
Find someone who's never heard his stand up before and pop one of his CDs in the stereo while you're on your way somewhere. Watch how hard they laugh and thank me for saving you the trouble of making conversation.
The computer game you should buy:
-Rome: Total War:
I rediscover this game every couple of months and it rocks my geeky ass every time. If you've ever been into strategy/war simulators this is the way to go. The guys over at Total War don't fuck around. I started playing last night around 9pm, thinking I was just going to play a few turns then finish watching a movie. Fast forward to 1am, I'm thinking: "I'm just going to defeat the Gauls. That's it! I'm going to wipe those ancestral French bastards off the fucking map! Then, I'll go to bed."
Meal you should eat:
-If you're in college and you haven't had Stouffer's French Bread pizza for breakfast with Dr. Pepper, I don't want to have anything to do with you.


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