Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Shmulia Shmoberts

Sometimes I think I'm the only person left in America who doesn't like Julia Roberts. In fact, the massive amount of attention payed to this woman has made me like her less. One could say I've begun to hate this woman.
Why? Because anytime she does anything it is on the front page of something. I can't pull up my Yahoo homepage without seeing something about this overpaid, overrated, unnappealing actress. Julia Roberst has never done anything worthy of being on the cover or front page of any publication. Web page or even Random Stuff Julia Roberts Did Today Weekly.
Julia herself is only one part of the problem, one could easily make the same case for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, or the other guy from Wham!
I think our country is becoming so dependent on the lives of celebrities, that we may come to need so much information about them and their daily lives that we may end slipping up one day and realizing how shitty our own lives are because we haven't given half a shit about a single cause actually worth putting our time into. All the money and energy put into tracking and analyzing celebrities could have built us a palace for every single homeless person in America, then on top of that we would have had time left over to give him a thereputic massage with a happy ending.
P.S. VH1 must be destroyed.


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