Reflections upon a hangover.
-Last night I got drunk by candle light with Matt. Then I got to wake up in the middle of the night by his girlfriend's "O" noises. Fun stuff for the guy on the couch to try and tune it out and pretend its not happening.
-Today I am thoroughly hung over and not wanting to go within a mile of my 12 remaining Naragansetts. For some reason I really have the urge to go see the new Jason Statham movie, despite the fact that I know it will do a number on my alcohol damaged brain.
-Hangovers are like your body's conscience, reminding you of the damages you've leveled against it.
-The Icon 712: im a drunk 22 year old man
Yep its Willy: uh oh
The Icon 712: woman gets on my sack
The Icon 712: I don't say no
The Icon 712: LOL
Yep its Willy: pssh, sober I don't say no
The Icon 712: LOL
Yep its Willy: unless we're talking Steve buscemi in drag
The Icon 712: hahaha
Yep its Willy: then i let 'em finish blowing me and excuse myself
The Icon 712: hahaha----
I just thought I should share that.
-I'd also like everyone to know I got my "Smoking and Peeing" song on last night. I think.
-Me and my friends like to play a game of chicken with no real name. If it had a name it'd be called, "do something so homo-erotic that you get the other guy to bug out" game. So last night while Matt was on the phone I got on my knees and almost opened his fly, luckily, I won this round and he started laughing and pulled back. The conundrum here is: What if neither of us stop? We play this game sober too, mind you. I think one day, purely in the spirit of competition, an hour long sodomy fest is going to happen. After that, how do you keep playing the game? And how do you get the stains off the rug?
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