We don't have any Wiis god damn it!
I spit out the direct to the point greeting, usually in a calm, easy to understand almost "commercial voice over guy" tone of voice. The response is usually:
"Um.... Do you have any Wii's?"
I take a breath and do the relaxation excersizes my parole officer has reccomended and reiterate:
"No, we're sold out."
They continue to be dumbfounded:
"You are?"
A vain in my skull begins to pound.
They try and milk me for information I don't have, on account that **** *** employees have been hording the coveted devices because they know when the shipments arrive.
"Are you getting a shipment today"
This is when I dump my patented "You already know this, but I have to remind you every day because you accidentally did 6 hits of acid at once in 1986 at a Whitesnake concert, and your dumbass kids ask you every day for a Wii because they know this." explanation.
"Not to my knowledge. I don't know when our next shipment is, we tend to get one shipment a month. I can't reserve any, as the list would be longer than Robert Downey Jr.'s arrest record (Outdated joke, I apologize). Honestly, your best bet is to just wait a couple of months for initial kinks in the distribution, and the game system itself, to be worked out."
But as the day wears on, and people ranging from children who wandered out of special ed, to adults who've wandered out of special ed, continue to hound me about every detail, about the Nintendo Wii. Some of the Nintendo enthusiasts out there will blast me and claim that they're easy to get. Sure, they are easy to get, if your fucking someone who works at Nintendo, or you have some serious mob connections. The average shmuch is not going to wait 6 hours outside in the middle of the New England winter, months after the system has already been released, just to get some overrated video game system built for children and adults with low IQs.
I'd say the PS3 is better, which it is in theory. But the people at Sony are equally moronic and put out a video game system so advanced and so good, that half of them don't work right, has almost no games at launch, and costs more than an average schmuck's weekly pay. And the Wii is kicking PS3's ass in sales in many places. That is if you can find it.
But I've wandered off topic, the soul of my argument is that, as we have come to call them, the Wiitards have yet to learn, that if a system is this hard to get, the amount of work your going to put into getting it is probably not going to be worth it. Since as soon as you finally track down one of these much hyped machines, you need another controller, and that my geeky friends, is the only thing harder to get than the Wii itself.
So word from the not-so-wise. Stop calling, we don't have any. Even if we did, we probably aren't allowed to tell you.
Nintendo lovers begin blasting me.....now!
(Note: Your Wii purchasing situation my vary greatly than what it is in Rhode Island. Please don't bitch if you live in Japan and have had one for 3 years.)