Tuesday, May 30, 2006
X-Men: The Last Stand. Want to know what I think? Here goes it. I won't put in any spoilers; I'll simply address the film and its concepts as a whole.If you're expecting this to suck, you may be a little surprised. If youre expecting it to be of the same quality as the Brian Singer films, you will definitely be disappointed. Now I admit I went into the film with the feeling that it was a film that should not have been made the way it was. They hired the director TWO WEEKS before shooting began, it was written by the man who brought us XXX:State of the Union, and was pushed into production simply to beat Superman Returns to the box office. I'll address the things I did like: The action: It was on par with the prior films and it wasn't too obviously toned down for the PG13 rating. The Cure: They took the plot idea straight from Joss Whedon's series Astonishing X-Men, and being a Joss fan I was tickled by that. Where I was disappointed...well disappointed isn't the word. I expected the movie to be mediocre. There were simply too many characters that were poorly written and there were far too many sub-plots that didn't go anywhere. Angel and the relationship between Ice-Man and Rogue are under done and ultimately you just don't care with the plot forging ahead at full steam. Too much happens in too short a time. In summary, this isn't the final chapter that the franchise deserved. The story had grand concepts and grand potential, only to never truly come to fruition. If you see it in a packed theater like I did, you probably will cheer, laugh, and clap along with the rest of the crowd while you watch it. But, after the lights go down and you are left to reflect, you may feel cheated. If I was god, I'd turn back time and make Twentieth Century Fox either wait for Bryan Singer to finish up making Superman, or at least postponed production until the script had gotten some much needed doctoring. But if I was god there'd be much bigger problems to be attending to. Like AIDs, and Uwe Bolle.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Evil Lord
I was thinking today about someone I try to keep off my mind, Tom Cruise. We all know he's an okay actor who's appeal has been long forgotten since his descent further into the closet, er...Katie Holmes? Anydangway, I think I may have discovered why Tom acts the way he does. It lies in his affiliation with Scientology, but not in the way you think.
Perhaps Tom Cruise is the evil lord Zenu that the Scientologists fear so much.The evil lord Zenu was an evil galactic emperor that apparently dropped a bunch of aliens into the volcanoes of a primordial Earth, then the souls of these aliens were caught by giant soul catchers which then transferred them to soul brainwashing centers, then they were unleashed upon early man. And these aliens, called "Thetans" are what give you ALL OF YOUR WORRIES AND TROUBLES. So back to my point, Tom Cruise: Evil Lord Zenu in disguise, as part of a fiendish plot to destroy scientology by making it look like a "fake religion" for scamming "borderline retarded" celebrities. Oh he is a sly one that Zenu
Perhaps Tom Cruise is the evil lord Zenu that the Scientologists fear so much.The evil lord Zenu was an evil galactic emperor that apparently dropped a bunch of aliens into the volcanoes of a primordial Earth, then the souls of these aliens were caught by giant soul catchers which then transferred them to soul brainwashing centers, then they were unleashed upon early man. And these aliens, called "Thetans" are what give you ALL OF YOUR WORRIES AND TROUBLES. So back to my point, Tom Cruise: Evil Lord Zenu in disguise, as part of a fiendish plot to destroy scientology by making it look like a "fake religion" for scamming "borderline retarded" celebrities. Oh he is a sly one that Zenu